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How to Make Rs 1000 every day in MPL PRO Gaming Application On Mobile ?


MPL Pro is one of the top most fantasy gaming mobile application online . You can earn money through Mpl pro application by playing multiple games like fantasy cricket , rummy , poker etc . All these games are digitally designed and you can play with live players who invest money in the application to earn and win money . With MPL Pro application, you can also earn Rs 1000 to Rs 2500 per day by playing multiple games and MPL Pro tournaments online.

If you want to know how you can earn Rs 1000 every day in MPL Pro application online and where you can receive the MPL Pro Mobile Application in your mobile , then read this article carefully .

MPL PRO Gaming is Legit or Not ?

Mobile Premier Leaque Pro is a legit gaming application which is operated by a registered company . The platform runs its own mobile gaming application where number of players invest money in gaming tournaments and earn money in return winning the contest , games and tournaments.

It includes skill based games to earn money online and also offers real cash prizes. MPL is a well known platform which holds a user base of more than 10 million players in India .

How much investment is required to make Rs 1000 every day in MPL Pro ?

There are different strategies that you can apply to make money in MPL Pro gaming application online . In this application , you invest to as low as Rs 100 to as high as Rs 50000 in a single deposit where  you can earn Rs 1000 per day by investing small amount and playing games in which you can professional .

It is better to choose games like Rummy and Pokers where you can have easy win to earn Rs 1000 by investing low amount in game.

How to Join MPL Pro Application ?

MPL Pro players can join the platform by Signing up on MPL Pro app on their mobile .To receive the mobile application on their mobile , users can invest in the mobile application by make deposit in MPL Pro app. To signup on MPL Pro app , follow the below process :

Go to Google Play Store and Click on Install the MPL Pro Application 

  • Click on Register
  • Enter your Mobile Number
  • Confirm OTP and Enter your Name and Complete Details
  • Now you can start playing games in the application and deposit money in your MPL Pro Application Wallet.

Register and Sign Up Code 15 Digit on MPL Pro APP 

To receive MPL Pro app joining bonus , you can also add a referral code while joining the application to play games online . The referral code that you can use in your mobile application will earn you Rs 15 to Rs 100 any amount for joining the platform .

You can use referral code of your friend or can use online code – GNSR85

Where to find MPL Pro mobile application ?

MPL Pro or MPL Gaming Application can be obtained from Google Play Store . The Application can be installed on your Android mobile device and their is no minimum specification or eligbility required to install the application .

Earning and Duration of Earning Rs 1000 in MPL Pro App

Within short period , you can earn any amount from Rs 200 to Rs 1000 in a day on MPL Pro application ,as it does depends on your gaming and playing skills and also your knowledge of gaming in MPL . Also , to earn money upto Rs 1000 you have to invest some amount based on the requirement of the tournament and the bids involved in the game .

On MPL Pro app earning RS 1000 can be achieved in a single day , but it might take some time for begginers to earn quick money from MPL mobile application .

Best Tips to Earn from MPL Pro Application

It is easy to play and win on MPL Mobile application . With fantasy gaming MPL Pro app , you can earn money from your home playing small and easy games . Also , you can bid your opinion or based on your knowledge on MPL Pro to earn money . For better earning , you should  :

  1. Follow MPL Gaming Channels on YouTube .
  2. Practise games with low amount .
  3. Invest higher amount when become advanced .

Games to Play in MPL Pro App

There are unlimited gaming companies and games associated with MPL Pro app. On MPL Pro , you can play some games for free without depositing any money . While for earning money , you can make deposits in the games like :

  1. MPL Rummy
  2. MPL Poker
  3. MPL Arcade Games
  4. MPL Sports Games
  5. MPL Casual Games
  6. MPL Card Games
  7. MPL Brain Games
  8. MPL Puzzle Games

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How you can withdraw money in MPL Pro App ?

There are multiple options to deposit money mpl pro or to withdraw money mpl pro application on winning or deposits . You can use the following measure to take you winnings from MPL Pro application  :

  1. UPI
  2. Amazon Pay
  3. Bank Transfer
  4. Paytm

Is MPL Withdrawl trusted ?

MPL is a trusted gaming application and once your withdrawl request in MPL gaming app is raised , you can take your winnings within 24 hours from the application . The MPL payment team will process your funds within 24 hours to your request payout option .

How MPL Team provides deposit and Withdrawl solutions ?

In case , you get any problem with MPL App withdrawl problem or MPL App deposit problem then you can raise your request ticket on the mpl mobile application or can also raise your request on the official website of MPL there at community@mplgaming.com   through email .

There is an inchat option also available in the application for your queries.

MPL Earning Tutorial

Credit for Tutorial : Ishan Monitor YouTube Channel

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MPL PRO Alternatives Online to Earn Money

Other than MPL , there are multiple legit fantasy gaming application online which can you use to play games and win large money online . To earn money online MPL pro alternatives that you can use include :

  1. My11Circle 
  2. Fan2Play 
  3. MyFab11

MPL Pro Earning Proof Online

With MPL , you can reinvest your winnings and can also take your money in your bank account . Here is a earning proof of MPL Pro earning application in MPL Wallet. 

mpl payment proof

How to raise ticket on MPL PRO Application ?

It is easier to raise your query ticket on MPL Pro application for your earning issues. You can raise your request of earning online through the MPL Pro help center or through MPL mobile in appchat option on MPL Application .

Need of KYC in MPL Pro Application

For earning or deposit money above RS 1000 you need to complete your MPL Application KYC online . It is a mandatory requirement for all players to join on MPL pro app and earn money . For KYC , you need your Aadhaar Card Number and confirm the account with uploading your selfie and documents as asked by MPL .

Also , for earnings MPL deducts TDS from players for which PAN Card shall also be required of the players for MPL TDS Deductions and Claims.

MPL Customer Care Number

There is no customer care provided by MPL Team , while you can raise your issues for earnings in MPL app only through in chat app option or by emailing them online .

TDS Deducted on MPL Pro How to Claim Back ?

TDS Deducted MPL earnings can be claimed back in your bank account by filling your Income tax return. Once TDS is deposited by MPL Team to the government bank account , it will reflect in your Income tax department TDS portal .

So , you can only claim back your TDS deduction by e-filling your Income tax return.

Should you play to earn on MPL Pro Application ?

It is one of the simplest way to play and win online . You can joining MPL for your leisure earning and playing needs . While there are multiple fantasy gaming platforms online to join and make money.

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Note : We are not promoters of Online fantasy gaming , neither we advice you to invest and earn in such games. Based on the information above , you can decide whether to play fantasy games online on MPL Pro or not .


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