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Mobile Applications to Measure Land , जमीन नापने वाला ऐप्स डाउनलोड, मोबाइल से जमीन नापने का तरीका, एरिया कैलकुलेटर से जमीन कैसे नापे, जमीन नापने वाला कैलकुलेटर, जमीन नापने का फार्मूला, जमीन नापने वाला कैलकुलेटर,जमीन नापने वाला मैप,जमीन नापने का यंत्र, land mapping app, land measurement app by walking,land measurement app ,land measurement app in acres, agriculture land measurement app
How to Do

Top 5 Mobile Applications to Measure Land for your Land Area Calculation – जमीन नापने वाला ऐप्स डाउनलोड


जमीन नापने वाला ऐप्स डाउनलोड, मोबाइल से जमीन नापने का तरीका, एरिया कैलकुलेटर से जमीन कैसे नापे, जमीन नापने वाला कैलकुलेटर, जमीन नापने का फार्मूला, जमीन नापने वाला कैलकुलेटर,जमीन नापने वाला मैप,जमीन नापने का यंत्र, land mapping app, land measurement app by walking,land measurement app ,land measurement app in acres, agriculture land measurement app – Land area calculation is very important in order to estimate your property tax and to know how much land you can use for cultivation of different crops . For buying and selling of land , the land is also measured by land patwaris to create a map of the land and to make it feasible to know the ownership of land by a person. This ownership area is to be correct in order to remove any difficulties and confusions among people regarding their land area.

There are tons of mobile applications available online with which you can measure your land area and can match it with the records of government in order to ensure if your land is correctly updated on the land records . How you can measure your land area , what terms are to be studied and what mobile applications can you use for this purpose is what we have tried to explain in this article.

To calculate your land area from maps or any of the applications above , you have to first measure the land and breadth of the area . If the area is not straight and is divided into many diagonal lines the area can be measured by dividing the total area into parts.
Also read :
The formula used by land measurement mobile applications is :

As we told you, the smallest unit of land measurement is square feet and only square feet is used to measure the plot. For example take a plot which is 50 feet in length and 90 feet in width. So how many feet will be the total land? For this we have to do 50×90, 50×90 = 4500 square feet is the total land.

Second example: – If the length of the land is 57.5 feet and the width is 65.9, then how many feet is the land, then for this the area which has come after 57.5×65.9 = 3789.25 square feet will be in inches like 3789 feet 25 inches, similarly you will get yards. I can measure. There is 3 feet area in one yard. 3789.25/3 = 1263.08 yards.

How to measure land in meters?

First of all, let me tell you that there is 3.28 feet area in one meter. If a land is 100 meters in length and 105 meters in breadth. So how many feet of land or meters of land is there, so first of all we know in meters 100×105 = 10500 meters of land.

Now if we want to see this land in feet, then how to know, we will multiply 10500 by 3.28 means 3.28 feet in one meter, then 10500×3.28 = 34,440 feet area.

Mobile applications generally use GPS and Map locations to track the land area . The land is first measured by the AI – Artificial intelligence of Google MAPs or the tracking codes of the application . Then based on the area captured , the land area is measured which is an approximate area calculated by the application .
If you want to calculate the total area of the land on your Agri plot , then you can use the GPS Field Area Measurement Application .  This application will help you measure land with AI easily and would provide a straight figure of your land measurement .
You can also use this mobile application to check measurement of the land in different units like Acres , hectares , bigha etc as per your convenience.
  1. Gaj
  2. Gatta
  3. Jareeb
  4. Bisba
  5. Bisvansi
  6. Unvansi
  7. Kachvansi
  8. Bigha
  9. Killa
  10. Acres
  11. Hectares

These terms are used to create a common terminology for a state or a city for measurement of land area for easily record maintenance and buying and selling of property.

Also read :
The land area calculated by mobile applications isn’t accurate as it is only a rough estimation . You should reach out to your area patwari , to know the actual land area you own as per your papers or documentation.


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