Beat Inflation of 7% in 2024 with Share Market Investment Smart Way of Earning with Rs 1 lakh
Share Market Investment 2024 – Choosing and investing into the right type of investment which can yield great returns which should be more than expected for beating the inflation . Within a limited capital base , it is difficult for the investor to decide where to invest and also to keep the investment safe with receiving return either in form of appreciation or interest on investment . For about 60% of the Indians , stock market is another way to grow their investments by actively trading in the market but growing investment with long term investing is still a taboo for most.
In this article ,we shall be discussing more about how you can grow your investment working with share markets and beating inflation with more than 10% . Also , we shall be considering other class of assets like Property and Fixed deposits for their appreciation and tax payments.
Investment in share market is fulls of ups and downs and also in most case scenarios due to market volatality investors has to face great losses on their capital because of limited growth of corporates in India due to high competition and price wars.
While for an investor other than investing in Indian stocks , their is no other option to expect for a maximum return of 50% on their investment in a year.
Returns by investing in share market especially in large cap can be expected for upto 100% of the invested amount and also in most cases about 50% of the capital is wiped out of the investor is working without a stop loss or not attending to its investments.
What is the actual Inflation Rate in India in 2024 ?
In India , currently as per Government reports the inflation rate is stuck at 7% while in actual considering the inflation in education and medical the inflation to beat is 10% and it is essential to receive at least 15% return to beat the inflation at least.
So , it is essential to hold return of at least 15% on investment if you want to beat atleast 10% inflation for the medical cost and other expenses .
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Can you beat inflation with Property or Fixed Deposits in India ?
Investing in any certain class requires a very long term vision of atleast 5 years in order to receive returns which could beat inflation rate in India. Also , most of the stocks do not provide ample liquidity to the investor to invest in other asset class.
Only investment in mutual funds or stocks is the possibility of investing your funds for a long term without much risks or limited risks for returning for upto 45% return .
While mutual funds attract a lot of tax , you can certainly buy stocks and sell them for profit for a period of 1 year saving tax free returns for upto 1 lakh in a year .
Is Mutual funds a safe way to beat Inflation in 2024 ?
Mutual funds is certainly a great way to deal with inflation , while every fund is managed by a fund manager it is possible that you might not be able to reap such great returns as expected due to unfair moves by the stock market . But if the market runs in favour , you will certainly be able to receive returns for upto 45% in a year itself.
Can you jump to Equity Investments directly to beat Cost Inflation in India in 2024 ?
Yes , other than investing in Mutual funds or having no knowledge of exit load or choosing the right mutual fund , you can start directly investing in direct equity stock through a demat account .
Also , direct equity investing helps you yeild by high returns . But in case of direct equity investing , their is high risk related to looses in capital .
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So , all in all you can trust mutual funds or property investment to reap profits more than inflation but cannot consider money in bank or fixed as an ideal option to grow your money . While in most cases , people wait long for growing their money through fixed deposit but in between it is advisable to invest in stock market to grow funds more promptly.