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earn money from leadsark

Earn Money from LeadsArk – The Best Network to Earn Rs 10,000 to even Rs 25000 Daily 2024


It is true that to promote any good or service online ,their are hardly any options than advertising or promoting it through affiliate campaigns . Online there are lot of websites and platforms which sell their digital products or services like Accounting services , digital marketing services or even some learning courses which not only make the writer or owner of business grow but also provides great learning to people at very low cost . Leadsark is of a similar concept where people while getting knowledge about digital marketing or doing digital courses can also make money by promoting the company plans to their friends or colleagues .

earn money from leadsark
earn money from leadsark

There might be some queries in your mind related to Leadsark and its business system . But to provide you solutions for all your queries related to this platform , there we have drafted this article for you. After reading this article , you will know how you can earn money from Leadsark ?.

What is Leadsark ?

Leadsark in simple words is a digital platform introduced by Ayaz Mohammad. The platform entirely focusses on sharing digital information of web media , digital marketing , usage of advertising platforms to promote products or to make money online and much more . The platform offers products ranging from 40$ to even 200$ which includes all step by step guide about using different advertisement networks and tips to start your digital marketing career .

Leadsark is also famous for its affiliate program , where the owner is promoting its products by offering a commission of about 70 to 80 percent as direct and about 20 to 25 percent commission from indirect sales.

What you have to do in Leadsark to earn money online ?

earn money from leadsark
earn money from leadsark

Leadsark officially runs its affiliate program where people can make about 70 to 80 percent of commission for bringing sales to the platform . The platform is entirely a network marketing platform where you can purchase the course learn about digital promotions and tactics to scale business online . Along with this once you buy some course you are entitled to receive your affiliate link through the dashboard to promote product of this company .

The affiliate link can be used to bring more sales from social media , foreign media channels , blogging or by word of mouth . For each sales , the amount of commission is collected in the user dashboard and is paid to the user on daily basis or even weekly basis as requested .

Is Leadsark legit to earn money online ?

Leadsark is much more than a training platform as it provides option to the people who joins the network to be a part of the network to bring more sales to the network to make money . Leadsark was introduced in 2017 , where it began its journey as a platform to sell official courses made by Ayaz Mohammad . Based on this skills , he created the programs and quoted the lowest price possible compared to the knowledge in the course material.

The affiliate program of Leadsark is legit to make money :

  1. The platform offers a training product which is value for money compared to pricing .
  2. The platform offers earning opportunity which is believed by a number of freelancers making money through the platform .
  3. The platform is targeting the most demanded niche and knowledge requirement of people which makes it more interesting to join .

Tips to get success in Leadsark 

earn money from leadsark
earn money from leadsark

To earn money from Leadsark or to use the knowledge gained through its course , you can straightaway go for intiating your own digital selling business like drop shipping or managing social media campaigns of other brands . For working straight with Leadsark , you can join the affiliate network and can recommend the platform and its services among its peers.

To get success in the entire Leadsark plan , you can follow these tips :

  1. Do not leave consistency in promoting the products or plans of the company .
  2. People will have their reviews about the product or the owner image , but you try to shape your creditability with the buyer.
  3. Do not overemphasis the product benefits and just share the actual information of the product .
  4. Try promoting the plans on different social media channels and especially at places where you get Tier One Country users to buy these plans .

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How to check if Leadsark payment proof provided is genuine or not ?

Leadsark running since 2017 is a network chain business , it holds revenue from two major streams one due to direct purchase of the users and second by reduced spend on advertisement as it is spreading more by word of mouth . Also , the company is providing contact support where you can ask as many questions as you like directly from the manager or customer support team of the company .

There might be a possibility that you might receive fake screen shots or fake proofs of Leadsark online , but it can be said that the network or the leadsark platform is genuine at making payment and can be joined without any much worries .

Alternatives to Leadsark for genuine Income Online 

Like Leadsark there are many other platforms which are offering similar courses for a lower amount or have an network share program or affiliate program with the lowest investment . Some of the most popular leadsark alternatives available online include :

  1. Millionaire Track
  2. Bizgurukul
  3. Leadsguru.in
  4. BizKro
  5. Vestige

All these platform are network marketing based resource selling platform which pays their affiliates for bringing more and more sales conversion to their digital products .

How does Leadsark pays you online ?

Leadsark is designed for young entrepreneurs and for those who want to master the art of digital entrepreneurship . The team there are leadsark , take care of all concerns of its users . For affiliates , selling or recommending the products of Leadsark , the company provides some common payment methods like :

  1. Direct Bank Transfer
  2. UPI/Paytm
  3. Paypal / Payoneer
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If you are thinking to earn money from Leadsark ,then it is the right time that you should join the platform and start recommending its products . If you have any queries or want to know more about the payment and policies of this platform , then you can us your queries down in the comment section below .


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